About Us

When talking about amateur sports memories have you ever wondered who won the championship for a certain year? Ever had trouble remembering who played a certain position for that team? Maybe forgot who coached a team?

CheckTheRec is an abbreviation for 'Check the Record' and this website was started with the idea of giving our users a platform to make an official record of teams and/or participants of amateur sports. The hope is that by having an official point of reference, people can use CheckTheRec for research, to educate, and/or simply reminisce about being a part of an amateur sports team as a fan and/or participant. The goal is to highlight great sports memories with the hope of honoring all of the many amateur legends of the past and present; provide an opportunity to re-live the pride and camaraderie associated with a team and/or player; and finally have an official 'record book' to serve as an amateur sports archive.

In the end, CheckTheRec is a website designed for all amateur sports fans/participants and will only continue to grow with support from all amateur sports fans/participants. Please assist us with our goal of producing an amateur sports archive with accurate data that serves as an official reference point! Also, we always welcome feedback on what different things you would like to see on the site to enhance the experience.